This is a lovely picture from Apartment Therapy, a website in which I go to to fantasize about what sort of house I might have one day and how it would be decorated! These bottles come from an apartment in Milan. They must be filled with food coloring or some kind of dye as I'm sitting and thinking about it here, the glass is probably not colored.
Lots has been happening since I wrote here last, the farms thhat I work on are in full growing season swing, I finished my farming training in Spring Valley NY, I've been performing and booking more gigs in my guitar playing life, and I am currently eating a marvelous piece of blueberry pie!
For fathers day today I got my dad a book on words thats called "There's a Word for it!" which has the origins and funny stories behind lots of words that we use and lots of words that you've never heard of. My father is the most avid user of the dictionary and of words out of anyone I've ever met, and I think it's turned into a somewhat healthy obsession, accept for the fact that I think I've inhereted this trate, and now I cannot find a word that I don't know and not look it up! I also picked a bouquet of wildflowers that I tied with twine.
We also went to the Book Barn in Niantic CT which is probably my alltime favorite place to get books and look at books and spend too much money on books! There are multiple buildings filled with every topic you can imagine, cats that roam the grounds looking for a pet or a treat, and sign posts that are posted throughout the grounds, old village style that lead you to your desired topic. I got a book on Junk in NYC, and my mother found a book on medicinal mushrooms and one on making skirts that she got for me.
We went to the Ashford Farmers market where we have some friends that are starting out in their growing and selling pursuits and wanted to go and support them (thats where I got the blueberry pie) and we got some flowers (which have now majorly upstaged the bouquet of flowers that I picked for my dad earlier this morning) and some lovely smelling patchouli scented lotion. Man am I a serious sucker for patchouli. I'm very sensitive to smells but that is the one sort of perfumey scent that I can always deal with.
Hopefully I can do some more writing here, as I think most blogs are for people it is sort of theraputic and helpful to have your life documented to look back on and to track what one thinks about as the days go by and by. I had to do a project for my farming training and I decided to do a bit of writing as my project, and I proceeded to write and eight page paper or manifesto if you will, and I thoroughly enjoyed the process. I may start adding to that as time goes by, just keeping track of my thoughts and ideas on farming, the natural world, peoples relation to it and to other people, all of that kind of thing. In the meantime though this blog at least keeps my fingers limber to the keyboard, as it uses different muscles than a fretboard or a hoe...