Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The V Dub

I had to smile today when I was invited to a big VW rally next weekend. A fellow v dub driver told me about it. I think when you have an oldy but a goody of a car, and you wave to vintage plate drivers, and give full on salutes to other rabbit drivers you are officially in the club. I'm not in too many camps, but I think I'm in this one. People who drive them understand the care and attention and number of breakdowns that must be endured. That must be what binds us together. The triumph of still rolling down the road.
I'll have to get you a real picture of her, the car otherwise known as "the Agen" "the Beanpod" and the "Leaky SOB"...Though whenever I call her that she stops running, so it's best to not jinx it and keep her going.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thread Nests and a little Peek

(my heart pincushion gettin some serious use today)

Hello all,
I spent a lot of time sewing today, I'm so excited to finally be persuing my goal of having an etsy shop in the next couple of months. I've wanted to sell some of my handmade wares for a long time but haven't been quite sure how to approach it, but now, thanks in a large part to the Indie Business class, I'm creating goals and moving forward. I'm going to be creating tote bags, some knitted items, big mixed media collages, and hopefully some other surprises. Here is a little sneak peek...

If you live where the weather is fine this week, I hope you get out and enjoy it. The daffodils are blooming here, the tomatoe seedlings are coming up in their little soil blocks, and it seems that spring has really arrived. I'll be outside all day tomorrow, painting a house yellow, have a good one!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


I recently had the late night pleasure of bailing out a basement filled with water. Not as much pleasure as the owners of the house who have sadly spent several days without sleep, borrowing buying and probably wanting to steal sump pumps, buckets, hoses, and a new basement. Geysers spurting up from the cracks in the concrete floor, and no stopping the water that wanted to come in. In the northeast there was LOTS of flooding this past week, a much more scary situation for some then others, but a general feeling of not being able to do much about it at all is somewhat thrilling. Roads were washed away, dam's flooded, and the fact that peoples travel, and peoples belongings that make up their lives are easily lost when the rain wants to wash it away...
As I spent several hours filling buckets with water (which my back is paying for now) I chuckled to myself, because of buckets. When it boils down to it, when people are in human crisis, and for all the "wonders of technology" that exist, the tool that people turn to is the use of buckets to bail themselves out. When you have to deal with the fire or the flood yourself, what better thing is there to reach for than the old fashioned, age old glory we know as bucket.
I know a girl who wishes for an easter bucket for the holiday instead of a basket, and I heartily wish for the same, Happy Easter!