This is the tube hat that I've been working on. I have dreads, so this holds em all together up and out of the way. I used a combination of Lambs Pride, Manos, Chunky yarns, and bunch of random stuff I've had lying around. It was a quick fun crochet project, next time I'll probably make it a little bigger to accommodate all my big fat hair! Looking at it now it looks kind of like a deflated lampshade....
The good things in life really must include homemade pizza shaped like hearts, home brewed beer, and newly finished hats! This is a pizza that Truckman and I made earlier tonight, caramelized onions with red and green peppers, garlic, sauce, pepperoni, and yes a big old pile of shredded cheddar cheese. I got a Birthday present last year of the pizza stone that this was baked on which has made all the difference in the quality of the pizza. Oh, and there's a little parmesan on the top to give it a golden crunch. Mmm it was tasty, and gone in about 20 minutes between the two of us. As for the home brewed beer I don't have any pictures of that to show you, maybe another time.
I whipped out a couple new compositions today, one in a new open tuning called Terra Patch, a traditional Hawaiian Slack Key guitar tuning, and a flamenco like piece. I've never been one for complaining about my nails breaking, except for when it comes to guitar, my middle finger nail split down the middle and I now have much less of a nail to wail on strings with. I really need to find an effective nail strengthening procedure.
I bought the soundtrack to Once today, a great movie that I saw for the first time back in the fall, check it out, great music and good acting. A creative indie film, made on a low budget, with a very true to life feel.