Brad Barr
Andrew Barr
Sarah Page
I am attempting today to organize and create. Tomorrow the Red Velvet Art girls are beginning their second class installment of Indie Business 2.0 I'm not really prepared for it at all, but I'm excited for it to start. I want to work on the workbook (one of our first inspirational projects to help keep ourselves organized and inspired) so I'm trying to gather supplies for that. I was supposed to go and work today doing my catering job that is intermittent but a lot of fun. I've never done any food service, or restaurant work, but I have a good time in all of the hustle and bustle of events, and my part in it, usually, is to make people comfortable, give them food, or whatever they ask for. I used to think that I wouldn't really make a good waitress, but I'm better at it than I thought it was.
I wanted to share with you all today a new musical collaboration of one of my favorite bands of all time, The Slip. A Jazz trio, hard to categorize because they really play, rock, funk jazz, folk a whole big mix. In recent years I think they've gained some more popularity, but I've been a fan of theirs for about 10 years now, and they are always all doing something creative and interesting. About five years ago the two brothers in the band, Brad and Andrew Barr moved to Montreal, (they used to live in Boston and Providence) so they don't tour the east coast as much anymore, and Marc Friedman moved to NYC. They also play in a group called Surprise me Mr Davis. Check them out too. Brad did a really great acoustic album last year, just solo, which is one of my favorite albums in the past few years. So the latest is their project called
The Barr Brothers, starring Andrew and Brad and harpist Sarah Page. The album isn't out yet but the tracks on the website are beautiful.
They are probably musically one of the most important bands for me, for lots of reasons, some easier to explain than others. I could probably write a small novel about the number of shows of theirs that I've been to, or why Marc is one of the best bass players around, or why Brad made me pick up the guitar and learn to play in the first place, but I'll save that for my future music blog, the inspiration for which I'm having everyday! All that really matters is that they've got poignant lyrics, great musicians, and most importantly, there is soul in whatever they do. Follow the band links when you have some time and Enjoy!
All the children that are born in December....