Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Style School Inspiration Boards

Here is tonight's project (that is really yesterday's) from Style School. Studio Inspiration Boards. I have yet to buy some chalk, so I can write down all my ideas, quotes, and inspirations. Any good resources on colorful beautiful chalk colors in store or online?
I made (from top left to bottom right) #1 . 3 Ribbons sewn together, felt, chalk board paint and magazine ticket stub, #2 Chalkboard with ribbon and paper and mini clothes pins (that I added afterward) #3 Painted with green acrylic paint, glued on paper, candy wrapper and book paper and yarn #4 Oil cloth fabric and ribbon sewed on the top with contrasting stitching #5 chalkboard with wrapping paper boarder, fabric, white pom pom #6 Fabric attached with adhesive, green paper and cardboard

I can't wait to start adding my daily inspiration to each one of these.
I'm groovin out to David Bowie's Without You right now. It's a good night song.


  1. I LOVE these! The fabrics and papers are awesome! Thanks for the comments on my blog!

  2. The yellow one is my favorite...#4. It will be nice to have inspired space to write and keep notes!

  3. These are so cute - I love that you tied a pom pom to one!
